Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Dear Blog Followers, we hope you are enjoying following our adventures as we enter into the final quarter of our epic journey?

We are all having a great time, meeting loads of generous and friendly people along the way who have lifted our spirits by supporting us with donations towards the two charities we are paddling for. What has been somewhat disappointing to us however, is the low number of people who have called to donate via the charities. Both charities, as in Cerebral Palsy Tasmania and Ronald McDonald House Hobart, have kindly supported us by collecting donations via their normal phone in donation lines .... giving people the option to use credit cards if they wish.

While we love having you all following our adventures, and checking the hit counter each day does give us a boost, as we are getting more and more tired it would be so good to hear that heaps of people are ring in to donate as well. So come on followers get behind our cause and even if you can only donate a small amount, it all helps, and if you know any rich people do mention us to them.

To donate call either (03) 6228 4488 or (03) 6231 4877 (business hours only). If you prefer you can also donate via direct deposit, the details are at the top of the blog.